Friday, September 8, 2017


Welcome to the new school year guys!
We are officially in 1st grade!!

Saraphina is excited to learn this year and is also not sure what to think about this new regimen lol 
We have stepped it up big time this year. She is one of those that will learn all day if shes interested. So its hard to keep up at times. But we are gonna hit it hard this year!
I am so excited to watch her grow.
This year we have added foreign language to our list of subjects.
We are going to be learning French, Spanish, & American Sign Language.
She asked to learn sign language. Which I thought was so amazing.
She told me that she needed to learn it so she could talk to the kids who cant hear. Because its not their fault they cant hear & she wants to be able to communicate.
Which touched this little black heart of mine.
So on our 1st day we did a little photo shoot which showcased the many faces of my daughter...
I hope everyone had a wonderful 1st day of school!
Please enjoy Saraphina's silliness.

Social Media and Homeschool

Well as much as we don't like it, social media plays a big part in how we homeschool now days. Between connecting with other homeschooling families, to finding teaching resources, we have to accept that this is how we homeschool now. 
But have you ever thought that maybe we rely to much on it. 

I know for me, I rely on it more than I want to. Mainly because well I didn't go to school for teaching. So being able to find like minded parents & teaching materials is gold.

If you are new to homeschooling I would encourage you to learn to use these resources to your advantage. Find some homeschooling groups that are close to you.

You can do specific searches for this. You can look for only religious homeschooling groups, or if your like me and want non religious they have secular groups also. 
Shoot, I'm sure if you look hard enough you can find homeschooling groups for specific religions. 

Also places like Pinterest provide endless inspiration for projects and curriculum. 
So don't be afraid to dive into the social media world for homeschooling. 

My two go to places are Facebook and Pinterest
So go ahead and dive on in!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


I'd like to congratulate Mrs. Ashley Rasdorf!
She is the winner of the Teachers Pay Teachers gift certificate!!
I know she is gonna have such fun picking what shes going to get off that wonderful site!
I wanna thank Teacher's Pay Teacher's for the amazing opportunity to bless a homeschooling momma!

Enoy your gift certificate darlin!!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Teachers Pay Teachers

As homeschoolers we can sometimes draw a blank as to what to teach our kids.
Or we simply run out of time to really plan a lesson due to ,well life.
I have found a few websites that I adore that help me keep things going.
Teachers pay Teachers is one of those amazing websites.

This is one of my most favorite resource websites.
If it wasn't for this website I would have been lost many times.
It is just a plethora of amazing resources for teaching.
Everything is made by teacher's which is amazing.
Yes most are sets for classroom settings.
But that doesn't mean its not super easy to adapt.
They also have things just for homeschoolers.
So I wanted to shed some amazing light on this.
The link below is to this amazing website.
I hope it helps you as much as it helps me.
There are a lot of free printable's there as well.
I also think that the lessons that you pay for aren't horribly priced either.
The bundle packs are usually huge.
They  also have educational resources for every grade!
So run on over and check it out!!
Also I have a awesome gift certificate from this amazing site for one lucky winner!!
So be sure to comment below with the phrase "YES PLEASE".
With a valid email address and name.
I will chose a winner an 31st!!

Teachers Pay Teachers!!

Friday, January 6, 2017


Well a rare thing happens in Oklahoma..
We only get snowed on maybe once or twice a winter here. 
So when it happens its a big deal. But we are usually over it by day 2!
But since today was a "snow day", I decided it was a perfect time for some science and exploration. 

So we bundled up,
Well she bundled up. I went outside in my thick pj pants, my robe, and my hat lol..
Ya know mom style. I looked gorgeous.
But I'll spare you!

But wouldnt ya know it. Her mittens are no where to be found. 
Oh well off we went. 
I took a black sheet of paper with us. So she could see the snowflakes on the paper.
We weren't outside long. She is getting over an upper respiratory infection. So I didn't want her out to long. But she needed to experience the wonderous snow.
Below is her adventure.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

This week Saraphina's been sick. 
So I haven't made her to much in the way of lessons. 
We are hitting our core curriculum but that's it.
Today she was feeling a bit better. So I asked her if she wanted to do some art.
She is usually always up for creating artwork. 
She said yes and I busted out our Olaf activity.
I got this from a blog called

They have some fun activities and I just fell in love with this one.
Saraphina like most little girls is obsessed with frozen.
So this was a perfect winter activity for us to do.
If your interested in downloading this super fun activity for you and your kiddos just follow the link below!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Lets Travel The World! Geography Resources!

I dont know about you.  But I find myself struggling with things to teach on. Mainly because I forget what all my little needs to know. 
One of those things is geography. I was seriously drawing a blank as to what to teach her. I mean.. world map duh. But beyond that I was clueless. So off I went to research georgraphy lessons and games. 
So this post will be all about geography lessons and idea's for your own home classrooms. 
I sure hope this helps!

1st up is this super super cute song I found on youtube. 

Its so catchy and I just know your kiddos will love the catchy dance beat.

Here's another super fun video. 
This one cracked me up and is very catchy!

Course you can never go wrong with ABC Mouse!

The next thing I found was this really awesome Montessori continent matching game!

Follow the link below to download it for printing

Also if you think about it geography ties a lot of things together. Social Studies, science, reading, etc.
You can also teach about the different countries, or focus on one continent at a time. 
There are plenty of art's and craft ideas on pinterest as well!
Here is a link to a geography search I did on Pinterest.

Well my dears, 
I sure hope this helped with getting you started on your journey to teach geography to your kiddos!
I am looking forward to teaching Saraphina about the world. 
Until next time!!
Happy Teaching Adventures!