Friday, January 6, 2017


Well a rare thing happens in Oklahoma..
We only get snowed on maybe once or twice a winter here. 
So when it happens its a big deal. But we are usually over it by day 2!
But since today was a "snow day", I decided it was a perfect time for some science and exploration. 

So we bundled up,
Well she bundled up. I went outside in my thick pj pants, my robe, and my hat lol..
Ya know mom style. I looked gorgeous.
But I'll spare you!

But wouldnt ya know it. Her mittens are no where to be found. 
Oh well off we went. 
I took a black sheet of paper with us. So she could see the snowflakes on the paper.
We weren't outside long. She is getting over an upper respiratory infection. So I didn't want her out to long. But she needed to experience the wonderous snow.
Below is her adventure.


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